What Was I Thinking?

What in the world was I thinking?  January 2014, I packed up my stuff and jumped on a plane with only the words of “GO 2014”.  Who in their right mind is crazy enough to give up the comforts of what they know and walk into the unknown.  To leave my friends, family, house, job…

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Dodging Solicitors…

I was on a mission to find a gift for a friend back in NZ, but just wasn’t having any luck. He is all about America and loves everything about our amazing nation. So I thought, a tee shirt with the American flag would be an amazing gift for him. I started to drive store…

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He Wasn’t There…

What would you do if the person you loved the most died? That person that had the most impact on you during your life and was always there for you. Somebody that poured into your life and always wanted what was best for you even if you didn’t know what that was. What if you…

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I am not sure if you remember this name Tupac Shakur.  But I was a HUGE fan of his music.   I followed and idolized everything that he did.  When he would release a new cd, I was the first one at the music store to buy it.  If you came into my room you would…

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As Long As…

I find that so many people love this idea of Christianity, I mean after all who wouldn’t want to live in a world based on love?  A place where everybody is patient, kind, not envious, boastful or proud.  A place where we all honor each other, selflessly, unangered, keeping no records of wrongs.  Where we…

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I Am Sick Of Playing Church!

Another Sunday comes around, we get dressed up, jump in the car and head over to church. On the way, somebody cuts us off. We get extremely upset because that person was so selfish to get in our way and cause us to be a little late, not getting our favorite parking spot. As we…

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She Didn’t Even Know

Dun Dah Da Duhhh… I was riding along in my superhero car that I call the blue bucket! This thing is a total beast! The front of the car is held together by duct tape and has scratches all over the place. But don’t let this Trav Mobil fool you, the gas mileage is amazing…

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Don’t expect what they don’t know.

I had the privilege to coach club soccer for many years.  One thing that I enjoyed most about working with the kids that I coached was the opportunity to teach them not only the basic fundamentals of the game but also life skills that will help them in the decisions that they would make.  I…

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200 – My Journey

Today officially marks my 200th blog post.  Back on October 4th, 2011, I wrote my first post that began the journey of sharing my experiences to the world.  All my struggles, all my joy, and all the revelations that God has taught me through it all.  This journey has been extremely tough and I have…

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Love is not Arrogant or Rude

I used to have this friend that thought he was God’s gift to the world.  In his head, he thought that everything that he did was equivalent to perfection.  If he walked down the street, he thought every girl was drooling over him and wanted to have his babies.  When he would talk about sports,…

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