Today officially marks my 200th blog post.  Back on October 4th, 2011, I wrote my first post that began the journey of sharing my experiences to the world.  All my struggles, all my joy, and all the revelations that God has taught me through it all.  This journey has been extremely tough and I have been through so much over the last couple years.  As I look back at my blogs, I can see my character being built through all those hard times.  I can see God lifting me up when I feel like I couldn’t go on, and just the amount of faith and trust that has been required of me, has brought me so much closer to Jesus.

Every experience has shown me things in a different perspective and I believe that God has allowed me to go through everything so that I can relate to others.  He has given me an understanding so that others can look at my testimony and know that no matter what you go through, Jesus will always be there.  It’s pretty amazing how similar we all are in the trials that we face.   I have been lonely, heartbroken, betrayed, helpless, physically and emotionally beat up, depressed, confused, not accepted, unloved, hungry, doubtful, lifeless, messed up more times than  I can count, judged, pushed away, lost everything, dealt with death of loved ones, the list goes on and on about how messy my life has been.  But I look back at all that, and am extremely thankful!  In the midst of all those struggles, I can say one thing; Jesus has always been there for me!

He has been there through all my struggles to comfort me and love me.  He has been there to provide for me when I wasn’t sure where I was going to live, or what I was going to eat.  He has always had his hand on my life, and through Him blessings have flowed in abundance; even more than I could ever imagine.  Looking back at my life and seeing the journey that I have been on, it could only be by God’s grace that I am even here.  I don’t know where I will be tomorrow, or what God will call me to do, but I do know that He will never leave me.

I am extremely thankful for all who read these blogs and I hope that through my journey you have seen how imperfect I am and how much I have failed in this life.  But at the same time I hope that you are encouraged to see past me, and look to God who is the only reason for life.  Each day is a new day, so I hope all these writings that God lays on my heart will continue to encourage you to seek after Christ in the good and the bad times.  I am praying for you and hope to hear about your journey someday as you walk with Jesus.  Again I am thankful for you and I hope you will share that love of Christ to others.  God Bless you.


forgiven • November 27, 2014

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