You might call me weird, but from the start I have always been a math person.  There is something about problem solving with a definite answer that I loved to try and figure out.  I started with learning how to count my ninja turtles, then moved into the more advanced stuff as I got older. …

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Words Came out!

Recently God has been showing me the power of speaking words and how they really can effect people.  So many times I have been talking with somebody and all of a sudden words start coming out of my mouth and I can’t stop them!!   Sometimes they have been really wise and totally from the Lord,…

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Happy Birthday To Me!

Today I turned the big 35 years old!!!  I know, I know I only look like I am 26 but please just believe me.  🙂  As I sit here and think about my life, all I can do is wonder where time went?  It seemed like yesterday I was 16 going in to get my…

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The look that led to Destruction

It started with just one look as his eyes gravitated to another woman.  That look turned into a stare, and from that stare the thought of “what if” permeated his mind.  As he began to entertain those thoughts he would position himself in a place to test the waters and see how much he could…

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FOMO- Fear of Missing Out

I like to consider myself a man of commitment who tries to always be a person of my word.  Because of this I feel like loyalty and long term dedication requires a strong sense of waiting on the Lord.  But the problem comes in also wanting the very best and not settling for less, so…

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It not you, It’s me!

They seemed like such a perfect couple.  They spent years building up this relationship and it just looked to be an example to what so many people longed for.  Day after day things just got better and better.  They were inseparable!  Every waking hour they thought about each other and just wanted to spend all…

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I Missed It

Coming back to LA 5:30 in the morning, my flight from New Zealand is just about to land as I look out to millions of lights below.  There was one freeway that I knew exactly which one it was because of the amount of traffic it had on it.  White head lights heading into the…

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I love you because I do!

If you were asked to fill in the blanks to this question, how would you answer it? I love my __________ because __________________________. (Take a minute and think about it.) Now if you are married you might want to say, I love my spouse because… and then list a bunch of reason why you love…

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Am I Unworthy of Marriage!

Sometimes in life we can’t fully understand the bigger picture of why we have to go through what we experience.  All we can do, is have hope in God, for He knows what is best for us and allows us to struggle through trials to build our character to become more like Him.  For me,…

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2015 was extremely tough!

Just to forewarn you this is one of the realist blogs I have written.  Real experiences and real thoughts. Please don’t read it unless you read the whole thing! 2015 has been an extremely tough year.  There has been countless times where I would go home, sit in bed and just want to give up…

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