
Motivations can be a tricky thing… A lot of times we do things that look really good on the outside but on the inside we are doing them to exalt our self and make our self look good so we can feel good about our self.   That is a lot of SELF!  The hard part…

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As one door closes…

So a lot of you have heard the news about God closing the door at Hope Chapel…  Let me just explain the full story so everybody knows how amazing God is! I had just finished up school at Vanguard and wanted to get away to sit with God and just pray for the next step…

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Just MAKE them love you…

My last post I talked about Destination Manipulation and how sometimes we try to get our way by doing whatever it takes to get somebody to do what we want them to.  The problem with that, is when you try and manipulate a situation and get somebody to love you, it isn’t real. True love…

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An Interesting Encounter

I went into Starbucks to get into word last night but as I walked in, it was packed.  There didn’t seem to be a good spot to sit down, lay out my books and read.  So I went ahead and ordered my large vanilla spice latte in hopes that a seat would open up and…

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Love THIS guy?

Jesus said,  “Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.”   You want me to do WHAT????? It was a beautiful early Saturday morning…  The traffic was flowing on the 405; the smog was only half bad because of the previous rains, and the homeless people on the corner were holding signs that say…

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Do you Trust Him?

Do you Trust Him?   Yeah.. Yeah I trust Him. No. Do you Trust Him?  Yes, I trust Him. No, Think about this Question… Do you REALLY TRUST HIM? This is a question that we answer without really thinking about, and don’t find out until our trust is challenged.  In life we are faced with daily…

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Intentionally Being Missional

We live in an area populated by millions of people, in fact I just looked up online how many people live in Los Angeles County and there are close to 10 million people just in this area of Southern California.  Everywhere we go there are humans!   I wake up in the morning walk outside and…

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Just Speak up.

3:30am comes around and my alarm goes off!  Time to get up and walk over to get picked up to go to the airport.  Who in their right mind sets up a flight that early in the morning?  So I stumbled out of bed and met up with Dave the shuttle guy.  4am in the…

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