
Do you Trust Him?   Yeah.. Yeah I trust Him.
No. Do you Trust Him?  Yes, I trust Him.
No, Think about this Question… Do you REALLY TRUST HIM?

This is a question that we answer without really thinking about, and don’t find out until our trust is challenged.  In life we are faced with daily situations that require us to put our trust in Christ, but choose to put trust in ourselves to try and take control of every situation.

For instance we lose financial security by getting laid off of our job and our world changes.  So what is the first thing we do?  We Panic!  And start going through hundreds of scenarios about what happened, what do we do next, am I going to lose everything, will I have enough money to live, and the list goes on and on about things that we can’t control.  We try to fix things right away instead of trusting God in the situation.

Do you Trust Him?

“Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?”  Matthew 6:26

Do you Trust Him?

If everything that you owned was taken away from you;  your house, your car, your job, or any other tangible thing, would your world be shattered to a point of wanting to give up?  There are so many objects that we invest into and put our whole heart into, that when they get taken away we feel like our world has come to an end and everything we have worked for has been stripped from us.

Do you Trust Him?

We have to remember that GOD IS IN CONTROL of our every situation and we have to FULLY TRUST HIM.  If we want total freedom from things of this world we have to be able to let them go.  This requires full surrender to God’s will enabling us to be okay with whatever door he opens and closes.  Walking by faith is trusting in God through ANY circumstance knowing that whatever road He leads us down, is for our best interest.

Do you Trust Him?

There is something about that journey of not knowing what is next which is really exciting.  It keeps us humble and in a place of having to fully trust God.  This life isn’t about how many things we can get on earth but how we can love God, and love people.  So I want to challenge you to look at your life and really ask the question,  Do you Trust Him?



forgiven • February 8, 2013

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