
3:30am comes around and my alarm goes off!  Time to get up and walk over to get picked up to go to the airport.  Who in their right mind sets up a flight that early in the morning?  So I stumbled out of bed and met up with Dave the shuttle guy.  4am in the morning and this guy can talk!  So I try to follow and join into his conversation and pick his brain about places to see and places to do photography.  It turns out his wife was a photographer and they had a place in Cairns.  So he named a few places that were a must.  He was a total Godsend, so I gave him my lunch money for a tip.  Out here lunches are a lot more expensive so don’t think it was penny’s ;).

So I go through the check-in and come to find out they want to charge me 80 dollars to check a bag that had almost nothing in it.  So since I couldn’t leave any troopers behind, I had to pony up the dough and put it behind me so that I could have fresh clothes in Cairns.  Then she looks up at me and says are you able to help people out in case of a fire? If so you can sit in the fire row.  So I jumped on that because there is more leg room and when your 6’2′ you try to take as much leg room as you can get.

So we start to board and it was just me in the row, until the last minute where grandma got switched to the same seats as me.  Oh.. what a morning!  I didn’t want to talk anymore.. I just wanted to sleep on the plane until I got to Cairns!  But we started to conversate and talk about her kids and grandchildren, how one of them lived in the same area as me growing up.  We went back and forth for a couple hours about things of this world that meant a lot to her.  I would just smile and think, my eyelids really sound good right now…

“Everybody please take your seats, as we begin our decline to Cairns.”  I looked out the window and felt God tugging on my heart to talk to her about Jesus.  I sat there for about 10 minutes trying to figure a way to say something.  My experience in Australia is that it is tough to just come out and speak about Jesus.  “Just open your mouth and I will talk”. I felt God saying to me..  So I did, just asked her a simple question “Do you go to church”.  And from there it opened up a full conversation where I was able to share the gospel with her, Exalt God through His creation and encourage her to pick up the bible and read it.   It was truly amazing that out of obedience came blessings through sharing my faith to a woman that was extremely lost.

I don’t know if she will put her faith in Jesus, but I do know that she is really thinking about it and I hope that she takes my advice by not waiting to look into it.  We all play a role in sharing the gospel and I believe that God used me to plant a seed in this woman.  My day went from dreadful to joyful all through that one act of kindness in telling her about the greatest thing that ever happened in History.


forgiven • January 15, 2013

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