The Wooden Spoon!

When I was growing up I actually got into a lot of trouble.  Yeah, I know hard to believe, right?  But, I did, and I must say I had some amazing parents that loved me enough to try and set my ways straight.  Although at the time I didn’t think they were very loving, always…

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I Am Sick Of Playing Church!

Another Sunday comes around, we get dressed up, jump in the car and head over to church. On the way, somebody cuts us off. We get extremely upset because that person was so selfish to get in our way and cause us to be a little late, not getting our favorite parking spot. As we…

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Are You Teachable?

A few years ago I was meeting with my mentor and having a conversation about how some of the choices I was making were leading me down a path of destruction.  He started to point things out to me about how they were bad, and I shouldn’t be doing them. My immediate reaction was to…

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What The Heck Is Wrong With Me???

I was having a conversation the other day, and as I was telling this guy about my life, he said something that hit me hard.  He said, “Trav, you’re 33 years old.  Look at your life!  You don’t have anything to show for it.  Most people your age are married and have kids.  They are working nice…

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I Killed A Man Because I Was Really Angry!

It was just one of those days. It seemed that nothing was going my way no matter what I did, I really couldn’t do anything right. From the start, I woke up late and that set the tone for what I would experience. That caused me to skip my time with God and jump right…

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Love keeps no records of wrongs

I don’t know if you have ever experienced this, but I had a friend in the past that did me dirty!  So bad that it seemed his only goal was to destroy me and everything that I owned.  He wrecked my house and constantly lied to my face, all while destroying many other relationships and…

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Love is not irritable or resentful

I think God was crazy when He put this one into the bible.  Love is not Irritable?  phffft! So what you are telling me is that when I get irritated, I am not loving? Yeah, pretty much!   Why?  Because when you get irritated, it is because people are putting you into a situation that you…

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Love is Patient

There is beauty in patience, because it requires you to wait on the Lord.  We come from a society that is instant gratification based.  If something takes longer then our patience will allow, we move on to something else.  That same societal norm has also infiltrated our relationships.  I am not just talking about the…

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Are You Wise?

The older I get, the more I realize how much I really don’t know and how much I have to lean on Jesus Christ every day as my foundation of Truth.  When I was younger, I felt like I knew everything, and you couldn’t tell me otherwise.  I was good at figuring things out, and…

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I Am NOT Prideful!

I am not prideful!!  How dare you say something like that!? Pride can make a person do some very interesting things.  I know there have been times in my life where I wouldn’t do something just because somebody expected me to do it.  No matter what that person would say, I wasn’t going to listen…

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