
I think God was crazy when He put this one into the bible.  Love is not Irritable?  phffft! So what you are telling me is that when I get irritated, I am not loving?

Yeah, pretty much!   Why?  Because when you get irritated, it is because people are putting you into a situation that you are not comfortable with and that irritation is just you trying to push your way out of it.  This is soaked in selfishness, and running from what you don’t like.  When you take your desires out of the equation and see others best interests first, your irritations turn into patience and a willingness to sacrifice your will to help others.  Think of it this way, to not be irritable is to set aside you, and bare the burdens of others.  To walk with them and help them through their hurts and pains.  Unfortunately we can’t be bothered with other people because that takes away our precious “Self” time.  But true love is more willing to put others first and not be irritated when your plan gets changed.

The other thing that love is not, is resentful.  It’s this idea of when we have been wronged, we become bitter and angry.  It becomes an issue of unforgiveness in your heart which is the opposite of love.  Again, anytime we are focused on our self, we can not fully love because our interests are self motivated and not others based.

So how do we not get irritated and become resentful?  Look to the Cross.  The more time we spend with Jesus, the more the Holy Spirit will transform your heart to become a more loving person.  It takes God filling our heart with His true love in order for us to be capable of this type of love.  So spend time with Jesus in His word and in prayer.  Get plugged into a good bible believing church and watch what happens to your life as love fills your heart.

Love is not irritable or resentful.

1 corcorinthiansexperiencegivegodhatehopehopelessiamforgivenirritatedjesuskindkindnesslovelove ispatiencepatientresentfulselfishnesssilvatravistrustunconditionalup

forgiven • November 26, 2014

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