It is better to _____, than to ______.

It wasn’t until I went to Africa that I found out that living in a western culture, that was filled with abundance, numbed me to how oblivious I was to walking in the ways of this world.  Although I didn’t come from an extremely wealthy family, we had more than any little African child could…

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Anything Beyond is a Blessing.

What if you could change your entire perspective on life and everything around you started to take a different shape in how you saw things?  What if you started to look at the things you have, and those items became enough? Over the last couple years God has really been doing that in my life. …

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I don’t need God

I grew up in a small little town of Central California.  My Mom and Dad both worked full time jobs to provide for the family and although there were times where it was extremely tight with money and things got hard, they were never in a position where they couldn’t handle things on their own. …

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You did WHAT? For free?

Almost 3 years ago God called me to leave everything behind and just go.  Not knowing what I was getting into I soon came to realize that the visa that I ended up coming to New Zealand on was very specific.  As long as I worked for the church and was paid through them, I…

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Thug Life!

I was looking for a place to do some photos, and as we pulled up to this parking lot, I noticed a few guys rolling up on their bikes.  The guy I was with said, let’s just sit in the car for a little bit because they could be little thugs looking to break in…

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The look that led to Destruction

It started with just one look as his eyes gravitated to another woman.  That look turned into a stare, and from that stare the thought of “what if” permeated his mind.  As he began to entertain those thoughts he would position himself in a place to test the waters and see how much he could…

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Going to the Altar

Abraham was challenged with a situation that could have been the hardest choice that he could have ever possibly faced.  Around the ripe age of 75, God made a promise that through his lineage the Messiah would come into this world.  It wasn’t until 25 years later that he finally ushered his son Issac into…

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FOMO- Fear of Missing Out

I like to consider myself a man of commitment who tries to always be a person of my word.  Because of this I feel like loyalty and long term dedication requires a strong sense of waiting on the Lord.  But the problem comes in also wanting the very best and not settling for less, so…

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Everything but Jesus

We just finished up church and wanted to spend more time together before coming back to NZ.  So there is no better place to hang out than Denny’s, because of the infamous legend, Hipolito.  The night went on and it started to get late so all of us started walking out, said good bye to…

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Thank You

As I walked out the airport in LA a couple a weeks ago I looked around and didn’t know what to do.  Normally I would go to my house and hang out until people were up and wanting to go do something.  But this time everything I had owned was gone.  Nothing, no car, no…

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