
As I walked out the airport in LA a couple a weeks ago I looked around and didn’t know what to do.  Normally I would go to my house and hang out until people were up and wanting to go do something.  But this time everything I had owned was gone.  Nothing, no car, no house, no dog, no anything!  It was the weirdest feeling of confusion and not knowing if it was a dream or not.  Was this reality?  Was I really in LA?  Was this still my home?

But it was real, I finally made it to my destination and was extremely blessed by all my friends there.  It is hard to explain the life I have lived over the last couple years with going from a comfortable steady lifestyle and having material, to walking into the unknown by faith with absolutely nothing.  People would have to walk in my shoes to understand it, because it really is an experiential thing that can’t be explained.  But I have been super blessed to have a minimalist life with more than enough to eat and do the mission God has called me to.

When I came back to LA, I can’t believe what I encountered.  Even though I had no material things to come back to, I had the thing that mattered the most;  Friends and Family!  One thing I will say, is that my friends have been so amazing that it didn’t matter if they understood or not, they stepped up and helped a person who was in need.  A man with nothing to offer!

I am extremely humbled by every single one of you guys and all that you have done.  I can list each person here and how you are a true blessing, but the reality is I could write for days!  When I was hungry,  you fed me. When I needed a car,  you provided. When I needed a place to stay, you hooked me up with a bed.  You stepped up to be the body of Christ and I am forever thankful.  My time there was short, but every minute, every meeting, every time we hung out, was more of a blessing that you could ever imagine!  Memories that brought a smile to my face that I can hold onto for a lifetime!

All I can do is say “Thank You!”  You shared the love of Christ with me and I pray you continue to do the same with others!



forgiven • March 7, 2016

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