I – The One Letter Word

There is something about that word I.  One of the smallest words in the English dictionary yet has so much meaning.  When we use the word I it points back to our actions, our character, our desires, our past and everything that is related to ME.  Which according to the world is great.  Be an…

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His Name is Michael

I had just jumped on the 110 freeway heading to my place from downtown LA and looked down to see the Orange warning light come on for gas.  Even though I have a Toyota Corolla which is amazing on Gas mileage I wasn’t going to chance getting stuck on the freeway in bumper to bumper…

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I had just pulled into the gas station, walked over to pay for my petrol and then back to the pumps to fill my car up.  I just sat there and watched the numbers go up and thought about the numbers in my bank account going down.  OH JOY! As I was leaning up against…

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I am the Glue

I am the glue that holds everything together; without me this ministry would fall apart.  I make sure that everything goes according to plan; that the worship is good, that people are getting plugged in, and that people are excited to come.  I am the center and it is because of me that things go…

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Double Standards

I actually witnessed something pretty odd the other day. There was a guy who was pulling out of a side road onto Rosecrans and totally cut off this girl; to a point where she almost crashed her car.  Luckily she was able to pump her brakes and avoid the accident.  The man looked at her…

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One of the HARDEST thing to do

LISTEN. When I was growing up my dad use to say to me all the time “Have you ever listened to yourself, or do you ever think about what you say?”  And of course I didn’t, I was going to speak my opinion no matter what others would say.  But this really sat with me…

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Do not think of yourself more highly than you ought.

“What do you mean,  It’s not about me?  I am really good at what I do!!!  And God gave me these talents!!!” “Yeah But you totally missed the point… God didn’t give you those talents so that you can build yourself up and look good in the eyes of others.  He gave you those talents…

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Look at Me!

So many times we want to put our self on a pedestal and be noticed by our peers so we can feel good about ourselves.  We try to wheeze our way into the spotlight just so that we can get some credit for what is going on.  We want to be seen as an important…

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I am the Greatest

I don’t know about you but I really struggle with pride…  I look at my life and see how much God has blessed me with and for some reason think I had something to do with it all.  In reality, I had NOTHING to do with anything that I have.  It is a gift from…

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Evil with Evil

Over the years, I can look back at my life and see that I have been wronged many times and my first reaction seems to be one that we all struggle with.  Revenge…  Payback…  and Self Exaltation. There is something about humiliation that doesn’t sit right with with our pride and therefore we try to…

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