
There is something about that word I.  One of the smallest words in the English dictionary yet has so much meaning.  When we use the word I it points back to our actions, our character, our desires, our past and everything that is related to ME.  Which according to the world is great.  Be an individual, be independent, and enjoy things for yourself.  You, You, You; Me, Me, Me;  I, I, I.

Over the last couple years God has showed me through other people how selfish I really am and how much I live for me.  I want, I want, I want.  What would benefit me?  How can I live a great life and be seen in the eyes of others as great?  How can I be exalted?

The problem is when we focus on ourselves, we try to play God by taking all His credit for the good things that have happened in our lives.  When we say I did this or that, it is really saying God had nothing to do with it so please give me an applause.  When we say I want this or that, it is really saying I know what is best for me so I don’t need God.  I can go on and on about how when we use the word I, but for the most part it has an agenda or a motive to receive self exaltation when we use it.

We have to remember that our choice of words will bring attention to that person or thing which we point to.  This for the most part comes from your heart.  When we are constantly looking for attention and acceptance from humans we will use the words I and me.  But when we know who we are in Christ we don’t have to seek that attention because we are loved by God.  Our Identity is secure in Christ.

This week I challenge you to listen to the words that come out of your mouth and see how many times you use the word I and Me.  And then look to see how much glory you give to God through your words.  It is hard to deny yourself but so worth giving Glory to the one who gives us life.


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forgiven • December 12, 2013

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