Look at MeSo many times we want to put our self on a pedestal and be noticed by our peers so we can feel good about ourselves.  We try to wheeze our way into the spotlight just so that we can get some credit for what is going on.  We want to be seen as an important part of a something big giving us a sense of pride for a great achievement that WE did. Society tells us that in order to be accepted we have to do something of great worth. But what we are forgetting is if we consider ourselves to be disciples of Jesus Christ, then we have to follow in his ways and learn from His example, not the worlds.

Then he (Jesus) said to them all: “If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.  Luke 9:23

Christ didn’t come to get glory, he came to serve and give all the glory to God.  If we are living a life where we are taking all the glory, then what does that leave God?  This is a battle that we all struggle with but we have to remember that it isn’t about us….  It’s all about Jesus!


forgiven • August 8, 2012

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