Don’t Judge Me!

He had been dealing with something for a long time now and finally worked up the courage to talk to me about it because he just couldn’t live with it any longer.  He was sickened by the life style that he had been living in and really wanted out.  That day he came to me…

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He Was Changed

As he walked up with a limp, it looked as though something was wrong.  He had dark shades on that covered his eyes, and a beanie that covered his head.  A thick cholo looking jacket covered his body, and he was wearing a pair of work boots. As he walked up I really didn’t know what to…

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He Wasn’t There…

What would you do if the person you loved the most died? That person that had the most impact on you during your life and was always there for you. Somebody that poured into your life and always wanted what was best for you even if you didn’t know what that was. What if you…

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I am not sure if you remember this name Tupac Shakur.  But I was a HUGE fan of his music.   I followed and idolized everything that he did.  When he would release a new cd, I was the first one at the music store to buy it.  If you came into my room you would…

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What The Heck Is Wrong With Me???

I was having a conversation the other day, and as I was telling this guy about my life, he said something that hit me hard.  He said, “Trav, you’re 33 years old.  Look at your life!  You don’t have anything to show for it.  Most people your age are married and have kids.  They are working nice…

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I Killed A Man Because I Was Really Angry!

It was just one of those days. It seemed that nothing was going my way no matter what I did, I really couldn’t do anything right. From the start, I woke up late and that set the tone for what I would experience. That caused me to skip my time with God and jump right…

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She Didn’t Even Know

Dun Dah Da Duhhh… I was riding along in my superhero car that I call the blue bucket! This thing is a total beast! The front of the car is held together by duct tape and has scratches all over the place. But don’t let this Trav Mobil fool you, the gas mileage is amazing…

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He waited 7 plus 7 years for marriage

  Over the last couple months I have been learning more and more about what real love is and how to apply it. So looking through the bible I have found scripture that have given me a better understanding of the Love of God.   1 Corinthians 13 has a list of these characteristics that show…

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Love is Patient

There is beauty in patience, because it requires you to wait on the Lord.  We come from a society that is instant gratification based.  If something takes longer then our patience will allow, we move on to something else.  That same societal norm has also infiltrated our relationships.  I am not just talking about the…

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Do Hard Things

I absolutely love kids!   Hopefully, I will have a bunch of little munchkins running around someday.  Watch out world!!!  But I just know that the day my first child is born I will be in love with that slimy little alien looking child.  I will probably cry because of how thankful I would be to…

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