She Didn’t Even Know

Dun Dah Da Duhhh… I was riding along in my superhero car that I call the blue bucket! This thing is a total beast! The front of the car is held together by duct tape and has scratches all over the place. But don’t let this Trav Mobil fool you, the gas mileage is amazing…

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A Complicated Simplicity

The older I get, the more I get to walk with people in life and carry the burdens of others.  Over the years I have been a sound board for many people just to vent and get things off their chest.  I quietly listen and allow them to get it all out, as I try…

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Hope is an interesting thing.  I really was curious to see what Mr. Webster had to say about it, and he even seemed a little confused with giving a strong definition.  In the Verb format used with an object he says it means “to look forward to with desire and reasonable confidence.”   It is basically…

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One Up ↑

When opinions clash, our flesh wants to fight for what we think is best.  We want to make sure that we don’t look like fools or be the person who lost in the argument.  So we do whatever it takes to put our two cents in, so that we aren’t shamed and laughed.  Our culture…

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Nobody ever told him the gospel?

I was super excited today to jump on the bus to  see who God wanted me to talk to about Jesus.  I paid for a ticket and then sat very strategically in a place that people would sit and maybe have a conversation.  Nothing.  Everybody was on their phones and not paying any attention to…

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She was pulled away by the scientist

I absolutely LOVE taking the public transportation here in Sydney because of all the opportunities it gives me to tell people about Jesus.  I walked up to the bus stop and asked a lady sitting there all by her lonesome if that was the right bus to go downtown Sydney, she said it was and…

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She was really flexible!

We had just finished hiking an old volcano in the central coast, which was crazy beautiful to see the seven sisters (7 inactive volcanoes) lined up pointing to the sea where everyday the sun set lights up the sky with God’s majestic artwork.  As you look out you can see for miles and it makes…

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Do You See it?

Do you see it?  Do you see the opportunity before you? I was hanging out in Newport Beach watching God’s AMAZING SUNSET, just taking pictures and relaxing when this couple walked by enjoying their long walk on the beach.  As they were about to cross in front of me I felt like God was saying…

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Jesus Said “Follow Me”

When Jesus called the disciples to follow after him they left everything behind; friends, family, work, everything not know what they were getting themselves into and followed Jesus.  They jumped into the unknown where they would learn to follow and trust His every word in all circumstances. They failed many times when they would do…

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I am the Glue

I am the glue that holds everything together; without me this ministry would fall apart.  I make sure that everything goes according to plan; that the worship is good, that people are getting plugged in, and that people are excited to come.  I am the center and it is because of me that things go…

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