
Do you see it?  Do you see the opportunity before you?

I was hanging out in Newport Beach watching God’s AMAZING SUNSET, just taking pictures and relaxing when this couple walked by enjoying their long walk on the beach.  As they were about to cross in front of me I felt like God was saying to bless them in the Name of Jesus.  So I asked them if they wanted me to take a professional picture and send it to them for free.

His face was priceless!  He was just in awe that I would even ask him and to do it for free made him think twice as if there was a catch.   I could see that he was thinking I wanted something more so he was really hesitant to say yes.  So I assured him by explaining that I am a Christian and believe in being a blessing for Jesus Christ.  Again his face was really confused that somebody would even want to do this for free!  So he agreed and allowed me to take some pictures of him and his girlfriend.  We chatted for a little bit; I gave them my card and they went on their way enjoying the AMAZING SUNSET.

About 15 minutes later, a family came out to watch the sunset and they really wanted to get a group picture with an iphone.  They approached this girl who was doing a workout on the beach and seemed really busy.  So I jumped in thinking… “YES!, another opportunity to bless people in the name of Jesus!”  So I walked over and asked if they wanted me to take it.  As she was handing me the iphone,  I smiled and said “Do you want me to use my camera and just send you the pictures”?  She was blown away that I would do that…  and asked how much I would charge.

I looked at her with a huge smile on my face and said… I wouldn’t charge you a thing, I am a Christian and believe in blessing people in the name of Jesus Christ.  This is an opportunity to do this.  Confused and not knowing what to say, she got super excited I would do something like that.  So I lined them up and snapped a few pictures and showed them what they looked like.  The smile on their face just made me understand why God tells us that it is better to give than to receive.   I was super blessed and my hope is that through these encounters, people would really began to understand the Love of Jesus Christ.

Christians, we have the opportunity to bless people with the gifts that God has given us and it can change peoples perspective on who God is.  The more I am able to do this, the more I understand how different this is from the worlds perspective, but how impactful it is to those lives that experience the love of Christ through us.

Let’s rise up and be selfless in the Name of Jesus Christ 🙂

forgiven • November 24, 2013

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