The older I get, the more I get to walk with people in life and carry the burdens of others.  Over the years I have been a sound board for many people just to vent and get things off their chest.  I quietly listen and allow them to get it all out, as I try to find what the real problem of their situation is.  And the crazy thing is, most everything people are struggling with in their experiences and frustrations have to do with one thing.


This concept is extremely simple, but can be extremely hard to do.  The second we take our eyes off Jesus we put our trust on something or somebody else.  It could be ourselves, our spouse, or even a circumstance.  But when the focus is not on God, this causes us to not fully trust Him, and shifts that trust to something else.

“It is better to find refuge in the Lord instead of putting your trust in man” Psalm 118:8

Think of it this way, when you step back from trying to manipulate your situation to be the outcome you want, you allow God to step in and work through the situation to do what He wants.  When this happens, we fully let go and only then can put our trust in Jesus and what He is doing and be blessed by our Creator.  All the worries and struggles diminish because we realize that our eyes are focused on the Will of God instead of man.

Think of the simplicity involved in this equation.  Trusting God > Trusting Man = No worries, No Fears, No Doubts

The more we put our trust in God, the easier this life gets.  It will never fully be easy, which is the complicated part because of sin in this world.  But, the less time we worry about our circumstances, the more time we have to be thankful for what God is doing through the bigger picture.

If you are going through something right now, step back from your circumstance and trust that God knows why.  Turn to God through it and only then will you find peace.  God allows us to experience situations for His purpose, but we can’t know what that purpose is unless we stay focused on Jesus Christ.

Seek the Lord with your everything 🙂


forgiven • May 23, 2014

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  1. Christina Meyli May 23, 2014 - 5:38 am

    All we need is in the Lord. He could be anything. He could be a director, as well as a assistant for scenario in our lives. He that governs all our life storyline, and He also is always ready to supply our every needs. He is always with us. Do not be afraid to step in faith with Jesus. He is much more than what we think.
    When we trust in God, He will bring us to the right place and in right time. He will lead us to meet the right people too. All circumstances in His control. We can go through any life situation with joy when we trust completely and rely on Christ.
    All the challenges, trials and burdens we experience it is hard and difficult. But that’s good, because it can make our character grow up and we could see the miracle of God’s work. So it makes us more confident that we can trust the living God. Our faith will grow through all of these challenges.

    Most importantly, stay focused, love and trust to Him.

    If you feel tired, depressed and burdened.. Pour out all it to God. David did it. The Book of Psalms contains the outpouring of the heart of David.
    No matter with all you feel, make it as praise and worship to God.
    True worship is not the beautiful words or perfect songs to God, but our honesty when we comes to worship Him. He will appreciative when we truly believe in and lean on Him.

    As physical human beings we definitely feel the burden of every day life. People will become desperate and complain with the situation if circumstances do not occur as expected.

    For those who believe and love Jesus, we still have the burden of life too, but when we come into the presence of God and pour out our feeling, with a prayer.. it’s not a complaint to God. God will appreciate as we seek Him. Like someone who comes to you and tells you his personal problems. You will feel trusted and needed.

    God wants us to seek Him not just when we need Him, but in every situation we fully rely on Him. He loves us more than we think. He even trust us more than we trust Him. He was died on the Cross, because He believe we will get a new life and set us free from all sins. God do it extremely to us.
    So just loves and fully trust Him in every our circumstances 🙂

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