Does anybody Care?

I ran into a friend the other day and they asked how I was doing.  At that point a thought came to me which made me wonder if they really cared or was this question just a friendly hello.  So I began to tell them how I was doing and what was going on in…

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I have seen this bumper sticker around town that has all the symbols of the different religions promoting us to COEXIST.  While as much as I agree with us coexisting because we all live on planet earth, don’t get it twisted that all roads leading to Heaven. Please understand the difference of Coexisting and Believing…

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Think About it.

I was going through the scriptures this morning during my quiet time at the coffee shop and something hit me pretty hard.    Proverbs 14:15   “A simple man believes anything, but a prudent man gives thought to his steps”.   A simple man here refers to those who are persuaded easy because they lack Judgment…

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I was sitting in my room the other day and I turn to my right to see a big lug of fur looking up at me with big eyes wanting some attention, so I reach down to pet my dog and start to wonder if he ever gets lonely.  I know I have been lonely…

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Chasing After Emotionalism

I have mention before in previous notes that I am some what of a hopeless romantic chasing after an emotional high that will provide a feeling of great joy.  God has made us in a way that allows us to experience life with emotions.  After all, life would be pretty boring if we didn’t experience…

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We all Worship Something

One day when I was younger my mom took us to go shopping and I remember walking past the jewelry section only to look over to see a GOLD CROSS necklace.  Although I had no idea what the cross meant, I did know that my brother wore one, and he was REALLY cool. He was…

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