
I was sitting in my room the other day and I turn to my right to see a big lug of fur looking up at me with big eyes wanting some attention, so I reach down to pet my dog and start to wonder if he ever gets lonely.  I know I have been lonely many times in my life where I wish I just had somebody to hang out with, somebody to hold or even somebody to talk to.

I know as a human, loneliness is inevitable.  We have all been lonely at one point in our lives and some more than others.  Being single, a lot of times we think that the remedy is to get married.   That this will solve all of our problems and we will live happily ever after.   But the problem is that even married people get lonely. Some of the most lonely people are the ones that feel trapped in marriage with nobody to talk to and nowhere to turn.

Where does this come from?  Loneliness came into this world during the fall of man. (Gen 3:1-13)  Sin caused separation and perfect unity with God which broke our relationship of harmony leaving blame, hiding, loss, and rejection; all ingredients of loneliness.

So what is the remedy for Loneliness?  I know this sounds simple but it is Jesus Christ.  The more we focus on our relationship with Him, the more we are changed internally to love other people.  When we start to look at people with love and doing what is best for them, our selfishness turns to selflessness and this takes the focus off ourselves.  This allows us to create true fellowship and community taking the place of loneliness.  In this we can find true friendships, transparency, acceptance, purpose, and building up of the body of Christ.

This doesn’t mean we won’t ever be lonely, but it does mean that through seeking out our relationship with Christ, we can minimize our loneliness.  The bottom line is to Love God, and Love others!  Seek out fellowship in the Body of Christ and watch your life change as we await heaven where we will not have loneliness but a perfect relationship with God.

Also to you that are single.. Just remember how much you can do for the Kingdom of God with nothing holding you back!!! Perspective!!

I hope this helps you as it has helped me.

forgiven • March 11, 2012

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