I ran into a friend the other day and they asked how I was doing.  At that point a thought came to me which made me wonder if they really cared or was this question just a friendly hello.  So I began to tell them how I was doing and what was going on in my life.  I started to tell them about all the amazing things that God was doing, and as I was talking I started to pay attention to their eyes wandering all over the place and immediately I realized that they really didn’t care. So I stopped what I was talking about and flipped the attention to them because anything else I said would have been wasted words.

Do we really care?

Our society has encouraged our sinful nature to desire everything for our self so much that we have come to a point where if it doesn’t benefit us then why care.  This is contrary to what the bible teaches and we can see the effects of society going against God’s blessings of denying self and loving others.  In Acts we see the people coming together doing everything they can to care for one another and thousands of people came to Christ.

We won’t and can’t care for people if our focus is all about us.  It is only when we seek God and see His grace upon our lives that we can really begin to love others the way Christ loves us.  This biblical concept is totally contradictory to what the world teaches but I am sure that God knows better than man.



forgiven • March 29, 2012

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