One day when I was younger my mom took us to go shopping and I remember walking past the jewelry section only to look over to see a GOLD CROSS necklace.  Although I had no idea what the cross meant, I did know that my brother wore one, and he was REALLY cool. He was the popular athlete type that everybody liked; even the popular cute girls, so of course if he wore one, I wanted one too.  I had to talk my mom into getting it for me, but she finally budged and purchased it for a birthday present.

I started to wear it because I thought it looked really cool and other kids would comment on it, making me feel good.  After a while I started to consider it to be my good luck charm and didn’t ever want to leave home without it.  I remember not even wanting to take it off in my basket ball games because it was going to bring me good luck, so I would just tuck it under my shirt.

I began to worship this cross necklace to a point where it became my god.  I believed that it was the cross necklace that brought me my every hearts desire.  Kinda like wishing on a star, every time I wanted something I would wish on this cross.  I didn’t always get everything but at least I would try asking.  This cross was my idol that replaced God. Now I know that I was worshiping God’s creation and not the creator himself.

Even today we all have those idols in our life that take the place of God.  It could be anything from Materialism to Relationships that could get in the way of you and God.  We all have to look into our own lives to see what those idols are and get rid of them.  Living in America, it is easy to get distracted from fully worshiping God but it takes effort to set aside the things of this world and focus on Christ.

Are you willing to set aside your Idols and live in the blessings that come with following Christ?

Exodus 32:4

He took what they handed him and made it into an idol cast in the shape of a calf, fashioning it with a tool. Then they said, “These are your gods, Israel, who brought you up out of Egypt.”

We were designed to Worship God so don’t replace that with an Idol!


forgiven • March 1, 2012

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