Where have all the godly MEN gone?

It seems that people are getting married a lot later in life these days.  I am constantly talking with people about life, dating, marriage and being single.  Most in their 20’s and 30’s and I have began to ask the questions of why? Why are so many people not taking the plunge into the covenant…

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I don’t need God

I grew up in a small little town of Central California.  My Mom and Dad both worked full time jobs to provide for the family and although there were times where it was extremely tight with money and things got hard, they were never in a position where they couldn’t handle things on their own. …

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Pornography – It does what?

I remember one year at a Christian camp, I got up and told my testimony. For years, I was enslaved to my addiction to pornography and thought that it was no harm to anybody but myself. But as I was immersed daily in feeding myself these fantasy images, it wasn’t just hurting me, but it…

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Nothing But The BEST

She was absolutely amazing and everything about this girl just drew me more and more to her. My love for her was more than I could ever imagine, so much so, that I would have done anything for her. I couldn’t wait for that next message, or just to hear her voice. I wanted to…

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Will guys notice me?

As her beauty developed she tried to find comfort in that billboard of what society said was attractive. That look of an outward appearance being flawless.  As she looked in the mirror to compare she knew she would have to make make many changes because she wasn’t even close to looking like that. Her hair…

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Is It Really LOVE?

When you love somebody, there is always an action.  Without any actions, love does not exist.  So, what exactly is love?  We throw the “L” word around as an everyday word, used throughout our day.  I love TV, I love my dog, I love playing soccer, but when it comes to people it should be…

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The Chase

I have never been the type of guy that would go hard and chase after a woman.  I have always felt that I would trust God and just wait to see if that relationship was from God or not.  In a way, it was easy to protect my heart when the relationship ended.  I would…

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Are you seeking a perfect person?

The Story that I am about to tell is me being real for the sake of transparency and hope that others will know that they are not alone in this world.  Society has manipulated human standards and it is good to bring this to light. In 1998, I took my first Photoshop class in High…

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Are you willing to Compromise for Marriage?

There is an expectation for people of my age to be married and have children while working on building a lifetime career and building the American dream. Most of my friends are on that path and are living that dream. So what is my problem right? How come I am still single, no kids, and…

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Does it Matter?

Today I looked in the mirror and noticed something for the first time. It was pretty crazy what this little thing was, but it really made me wonder how life could be changing so fast! It seemed to be in hyper drive with no stop button; memories in the past and a short future here…

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