Where have all the godly women gone?

It seems like the older you get the harder it is to get married.  Most of the good ones seem to be taken and already hitched.  For the rest, it seems like they have been left behind for slim pickens.  So why is it so hard for guys nowadays to find a solid Christian woman? …

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Singleness, the unbearable sin.

Singleness, the unbearable sin. I have been lucky enough to experience 37 years on this earth. Most of that life has been single.  When I was 19, I fully committed my life to Jesus and decided that I wasn’t going to waste my time pouring into something that was only going to gratify my sexual…

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The Relationship Tank

The other day I was filling up my gas tank and started thinking about what you put into your car and how it actually matters.  There is something very specific that is needed to make your car move, and that is gas.  If I try to put anything else into the gas tank, it will…

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You might call me weird, but from the start I have always been a math person.  There is something about problem solving with a definite answer that I loved to try and figure out.  I started with learning how to count my ninja turtles, then moved into the more advanced stuff as I got older. …

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Waiting and Watching

He became very protective of his emotions and who he gave his heart to.  Maybe it had been from past experiences with girls not caring for his most prize possession. But one thing was for sure, it would take a special woman to capture the heart of this man.   She would have to be willing…

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Not good for man to be alone

With aging comes experiences and life lessons. The older I get the more I sit and contemplate this idea of living life. In the bible there is one scripture that is tossed around as a promise that every single person holds on to. “It is not good for man to be alone.” And then you…

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Asking the wrong questions

All you single Christians out there or if you have ever been single will know what I am talking about when I say that I have experienced a lot of conversations that go like this: Scenario 1 : Other Person : How are you doing? Me : Great, I have been totally blessed with this…

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Single? Trust God.

TRUST GOD “If only I had a husband or a wife, then I would be happy…” – Single People I have been single for a long time always wondering when that perfect mate will come into my life, and for you single people you understand when I say that it isn’t easy when people are…

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