
All you single Christians out there or if you have ever been single will know what I am talking about when I say that I have experienced a lot of conversations that go like this:

Scenario 1 :
Other Person : How are you doing?
Me : Great, I have been totally blessed with this and that….
Other Person : That is great!  So is there anybody special in your life right now?

Scenario 2 :
Other Person : How is it going?
Me : Things have been good, God has been doing some crazy things in my life…
Other Person : Really?  That is awesome!   So any girls on the horizon?

At first it was kinda fun because I thought the next words out of their mouth would be, oh that’s great because I have somebody I want you to meet.  But it was typically followed up by, that’s OK God will provide.

The longer I live my life the more experience how much importance people put on marriage and finding that right person.  But to be honest at times it has been just a distraction from my calling to tell people the good news about Jesus Christ.  Am I saying marriage is a bad thing.. Of course not, but it should never be the focus of life and the center of our main conversations.  It can be a real downer when people that have somebody bring it up, because it becomes like a spit in the face for being single.

When people talk about being single I hear the voices of hurting hearts because society has made marriage the ultimate goal in life.  The problem with that is singleness is a blessing not a curse!  That is the time in our life that we have the least amount of distractions to impact this world for Christ.  We have the opportunity to go full force, fully surrendering our lives to become true solid disciples of Jesus.  So for you that are single we MUST change our perspective and focus to Christ being the center of our life.  We cannot let the absence of marriage pull us away from our call to spread the good news to the world.  The Devil wants you to get side tract from your ability to freely go into all the world and make disciples.

The question that should permeate our lives shouldn’t be “so is there somebody special in your life”.  I am sure you would know, but it should be how are you using the blessing of singleness to make disciples and tell people the good news of Jesus Christ.

I hope this is an encouragement to us all and when we put your focus on Christ everything else is secondary allowing us to fully be used for the Kingdom of God.  Rise up and change the world for Jesus!  God Bless you.



forgiven • December 3, 2013

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  1. Lindsay December 4, 2013 - 2:00 am

    Thank you, this is very encouraging. It’s hard when you are seperated and choosing not to divorce too… No one gets it, even most christians. But to me, it’s clear what the bible says in places like 1 Corn 7. But in situations like mine, it’s common that people say “What does the bible say in regards to getting out of this hard situation?” Instead of “What does the bible say to do that would glorify God the most?”

    Marriage is such an idol. God has worked on my heart so much in that (and other idols in my life). He is showing me I have time for ministry in this waiting period and it’s such a gift. And I think it’s cool when people see joy in whatever situation we are in – whether single or whatever – God’s glory is shown in our love and joy in Him, that He is all we need in this life.

    Thank you for speaking truth and for the encouragement. 🙂

  2. Christy August 28, 2014 - 6:58 pm

    Thank you for this timely reminder. It’s true, the older you grow as a single, the weirder and more awkward the conversations get. Oh well, onward and upward for the call!

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