Just MAKE them love you…

My last post I talked about Destination Manipulation and how sometimes we try to get our way by doing whatever it takes to get somebody to do what we want them to.  The problem with that, is when you try and manipulate a situation and get somebody to love you, it isn’t real. True love…

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Destination Manipulation

I don’t know about you but I think I play a good god!  I am constantly thinking that I know what is best in my life and taking the necessary steps to get to that final destination.  When something bad goes wrong, I fix it and move on.  When I want something, I manipulate whatever…

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One of the HARDEST thing to do

LISTEN. When I was growing up my dad use to say to me all the time “Have you ever listened to yourself, or do you ever think about what you say?”  And of course I didn’t, I was going to speak my opinion no matter what others would say.  But this really sat with me…

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Is this Possibile?

You, Lord, give true peace to those who depend on you, because they trust you. Isaiah 26:3 This is pretty funny because this scripture has been in my email footer for a couple years now as a way to give comfort to those that do not know Jesus.  It is only RECENTLY beginning to make…

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An Interesting Encounter

I went into Starbucks to get into word last night but as I walked in, it was packed.  There didn’t seem to be a good spot to sit down, lay out my books and read.  So I went ahead and ordered my large vanilla spice latte in hopes that a seat would open up and…

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Love THIS guy?

Jesus said,  “Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.”   You want me to do WHAT????? It was a beautiful early Saturday morning…  The traffic was flowing on the 405; the smog was only half bad because of the previous rains, and the homeless people on the corner were holding signs that say…

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Do you Trust Him?

Do you Trust Him?   Yeah.. Yeah I trust Him. No. Do you Trust Him?  Yes, I trust Him. No, Think about this Question… Do you REALLY TRUST HIM? This is a question that we answer without really thinking about, and don’t find out until our trust is challenged.  In life we are faced with daily…

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More than an Object!

One of my favorite things to do is just go to a public place and people watch.  It’s amazing how entertaining it can be and what you can see when you watch people that don’t think they are being watch.  Creepy?  Um maybe but it’s still fun because you learn a lot about the psychology…

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Intentionally Being Missional

We live in an area populated by millions of people, in fact I just looked up online how many people live in Los Angeles County and there are close to 10 million people just in this area of Southern California.  Everywhere we go there are humans!   I wake up in the morning walk outside and…

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