One of my favorite things to do is just go to a public place and people watch.  It’s amazing how entertaining it can be and what you can see when you watch people that don’t think they are being watch.  Creepy?  Um maybe but it’s still fun because you learn a lot about the psychology of humans!

First of all I have to say guys are an interesting species and have been tainted by how much sex has infiltrated our media and our daily visuals. We have been hit so hard that how most guys view girls isn’t how we are called to see them; as humans made in the image of Christ.

Let me give you a scenario that seems to happen everywhere I go and I really find it interesting how it plays out each time. Usually there is a beautiful girl (According to the worlds standards) that walks into the picture grabbing the attention of those in the scene.  Most of the time our first reaction is to look at this beauty and fix our eyes on her until she leaves the scene.   But let’s step back to see the full scene and get a bigger picture what what is going on.  First, we find guys who are sizing this girl up from head to toe with this lustful look on their face as if she is a object to have sex with.  Some guys try to play it off by getting one good front look hoping to make eye contact,  look away until she starts to walk away, and then the long backside booty stare.  The guys normally have this “I want to be a super model” glare that  is pretty funny…  because you know they aren’t thinking “hey I want to really get to know this girl, start a family, and live the rest of my life married to this one woman”.  It’s like an animal ready to dominate their prey as if she were a piece of meat,  getting everything they can out of it while not thinking twice about leaving them in the wild left vulnerable and helpless.

Let’s keep looking around because it isn’t just guys you see in this scene, there are also girls.  You will see girls that also will be staring at the other girl not out of lust, but out of jealousy and lack of self worth.  If we sit and watch the girls eyes, you can see an insecurity that says I wish I had what she had so guys would look at me the same way.

In this scene we see a lot of things going on that should NOT be.  But it does and we have to change our perspective on how we see people!  They are not a piece of meat or idols to be worshiped, they are a human made in the image of God!  They are somebodies sister and daughter.  Somebody that has a soul, that breathes, that loves, has feelings, emotions and is loved by God because of who they are, not what they look like.  We HAVE to change our perspective on how we view people because when we lower them down to a MATERIAL THING, they become just an object equalizing them to something without worth.

We can change this pattern but we have to change our perspective.  We might not think those thoughts are bad but Jesus tells us that looking at a woman with lust is the same as committing adultery in our hearts.  He doesn’t want us to lower ourselves to feeding into our fleshly desires but wants us to see people the way He sees people, as His children that he loves and cares about.  So next time you find yourself staring at a girl with lust, or jealousy, remember that just like you were created in God’s image so where they and they are part of your family of God.  Let’s bring respect back and see past the physical appearance instead of feeding into trying to find pleasure with eye candy stimulation.  Guys let’s rise up and treat woman the way they should be treated as beautiful sisters the way Christ would want us to treat them.  Girls, know that you are more than your physical appearance, so find your identity and true beauty in Christ.

I hope this encourages you and you will pass this on so more will rise up!


forgiven • February 6, 2013

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