Do you Trust Him?

Do you Trust Him?   Yeah.. Yeah I trust Him. No. Do you Trust Him?  Yes, I trust Him. No, Think about this Question… Do you REALLY TRUST HIM? This is a question that we answer without really thinking about, and don’t find out until our trust is challenged.  In life we are faced with daily…

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More than an Object!

One of my favorite things to do is just go to a public place and people watch.  It’s amazing how entertaining it can be and what you can see when you watch people that don’t think they are being watch.  Creepy?  Um maybe but it’s still fun because you learn a lot about the psychology…

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More than Butterflies

I look back at my life and I see how much my perspective on what to look for in a wife has changed.  Before it seemed like I was looking for that trophy wife that I could go home to and have eye candy to look at.  A girl that when she would smile the…

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Transitions. Life seems to be full of changes and transitions that constantly keep us in wonder of what will happen next.  We have all been at that point in life where we are just unsure of what the future holds and just want to know how things will turn out.  These can be some very…

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From a Guys Perspective!

As humans we are so encapsulated by the world’s standards that we forget to sit back and understand that there is nobody in this world that is worth impressing but Jesus Christ. And even then He loved us so much he gave his life for you and I even while we were sinners… I really…

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Single? Trust God.

TRUST GOD “If only I had a husband or a wife, then I would be happy…” – Single People I have been single for a long time always wondering when that perfect mate will come into my life, and for you single people you understand when I say that it isn’t easy when people are…

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Wow, She is truly Beautiful!

As I looked over, there she was, the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. Her eyes lit up the room and just gave her a glow that would pull any guy in.  When she would smile, all heads would turn because they couldn’t resist her beauty.   Even though she had tons of guys…

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