
This world is spread wide with all the diversity in cultural differences and walks of life.  Some people have more money than you can imagine, and some don’t even have enough food to eat each day.  But the great part about Love is that it isn’t circumstantial.  No matter where you are placed in this world,  Love is the thing that can break down the walls that humans have built to separate the haves to the have-nots.

One thing that we read about love is that it does not envy (1 Corinthians 13:4).  Envy according to Mr. Webster is “a feeling of discontent or covetousness with regard to another persons advantages, success and possessions.”  It comes down to not being okay with what God has given you.  When you are envious of somebody else’s life you will begin to see them for what you want and the materials they possess, rather than a person created and loved by the God.  We take away their worth and see them as an object instead of a soul longing for true love.  If you are envious of somebody, you can not fully love them because your motives will get in the way of doing what is best for that person.

Tied into not being envious is not being boastful.  To boast is to speak with exaggeration and excessive pride, especially about oneself.  This idea of putting yourself first and putting others down to lift up your pride.  Any time you get in the way and are doing something for selfish gain it is not love.  Love is a sacrifice that requires you to live a life putting others before you.

If we want to love people, then we must deny ourselves and put them first.  Love is the barrier breaker for all walks of life, but we must be willing to set aside our selfish motives to be able to love everybody whether they are poor or wealthy.  Everybody needs Love, and everybody needs Jesus.

forgiven • November 20, 2014

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