
Sometimes in life there will be a question that will get you thinking to a point that you might not be able to sleep at night.  For me, I was watching this movie the other night and one simple question rocked my mind and started to challenge my very existence.   In one of the opening scenes, there is a pastor that pulls up to what looks like a crazy guy carrying around this cross. As he rolls down his window, the man with the cross asked him, “Do you believe?”  The pastor thinks for a second and then responds, “I am a pastor.”

Why would something so simple get me thinking so hard about my life?  It is all in that question: “Do you believe?”  I have been walking with Christ for many years now, and my faith has been tested in many ways to get me to a point of trusting God with my everything.  However, that question holds so much weight, to a point of the very depths of everything that I am and my foundations in life.  It is extremely easy to say that you believe in God, even the demons and the devil do that!  But if I was sitting on my death bed with only three breaths left, would I be confident enough to know that everything that I have ever stood for when it comes to my faith, would keep me at peace?  Would I be able to welcome death knowing that this life is just a gateway to an eternity in heaven?  Or would doubt kick into a point of wondering if I was wrong the whole time; whether this life was meaningless and the means to an end.

As I struggled with this, my faith didn’t waiver because I have seen both sides of this spiritual battle and know without a doubt that God is real.  Instead, this thought of death has made me understand that this life is temporary and goes so fast.  I look at older people and see two types of people; those who have the hope of eternal life in Christ with an unbreakable joy, and then there are those who are just waiting to die.  We work so hard at building this life here on earth when all it will do is perish, only to be left behind and burned.  I am thankful for my struggles and that voice whispering in my ear, because I know that God is stirring my heart to change lives for eternity, in His name.

So the question remains, “Do you believe?”.  If you TRULY believe in your creator, don’t sit around and assume you have time to do the things that He has called you to do now.  He could call you home at any time and what will you tell him if you wasted your time building your own kingdom?  Let’s all rise and bring people to our AWESOME God!  Let’s point people to that same joy that we get to experience through Jesus Christ.


forgiven • September 16, 2015

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