

When people change to please other people it rarely  lasts.

And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect.  Romans 12:2

I remember a time, maybe many times where I was interested in a girl and really wanted to be with her but it seemed that I was constantly trying to be somebody I wasn’t.  It lasted for a while conforming to what she was looking for in a Man but it was tough putting on this act that after a while I would just get sick of it and go back to who God transformed me to be.

As I sit here on the plane I just can’t get this thought out of my mind of how we try so hard to be something that we are not just to get the things we want, and then when we get them, we don’t cherish them.  So many times I have seen Christians who love the Lord compromise with somebody who doesn’t share in that same love for God.  Sometimes they look past all the emotions and see that is not the person God has prepared for them, break it off and move on.

My Experiences show that feelings are strong, and when that person confronts their love interest about God and how they really wish they would love God the same way, the person being afraid of losing that person decides they are going to “do what it takes” to keep the relationship going and for a time starts going to church just to get that person back, but they really don’t love God; they only want to stay with that person.  The scary part is seeing how much harder the believer is making it on themselves.  Transformation takes time and it can only be done when Jesus does it from the inside-out, not through a façade.

If you love Jesus with all your heart, and are in a relationship with somebody who doesn’t it will be a rough road of doing things in order not to lose you instead of fully being able to love one another like Christ loves the Church.

… Can God work it out.. of course.  But from my experiences and what I have seen from this situation it rarely works out.  So turn to Jesus and seek out His will for your life.  There are so many more blessings in obedience to the word of God.

If two people are truly in love with Christ… Loving each other will easy.

forgiven • January 3, 2013

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