When I left the USA to come out here to New Zealand, my mind set was to go and do whatever God wanted me to do.  Never did I think that almost 2 years later I would still be here.  For me, I know that God has called me out here to raise up leaders and make disciples.  That by all means is not easy because I am ministering to people.  People living in a world where other things take priority in their day to day.  Where trying to get people together for a bible study requires a total change in ones schedule to be broken.  Some people might be willing to break that pattern for a week or two but for the most part getting together seems to be a chore for most.

What I see is, that giving your all isn’t enough to be effective for the gospel.  In fact it just brings you to a point where you want to give up and get burnt out.  Many times I have wanted to throw in the towel and walk away because no matter how much I do for people it really doesn’t matter… so it seems.  But in all reality, we never know what is going on in peoples lives.  I have learned over the years that all we can do is be faithful with those that God has put in our life and pour our everything we know, pointing them to the cross of Jesus Christ.  The rest is spiritual and requires us to be on our knees pleading for the souls of the lost to be impacted by our small sacrifice.  A small sacrifice that leads to the Jesus’ ultimate sacrifice and life changing Spirit.

Those times I have wanted to give up, I find one common denominator.  I had taken my eyes off God and my calling, and focused on myself and results.  This has only led me to disappointments because I would limit ministry to what I can do instead of realizing that this work of building the kingdom of God is far greater than myself.  It requires God to work through me while calling me to be faithful with what I have been given.  Nothing more than simple obedience and fully trusting Him.

You might be in a place of wanting to give up on your ministry or even life.  Don’t do it, hang in there and know that this struggle you face needs a remedy.  That can only be found in fully trusting God through every situation while keeping fixated on the source of why we are even on this earth.  Our purpose is to lead those who live in the darkness, to come to the eternal light.  We must persevere til the end because being faithful is far greater than giving into the ways of this world.  We need you in the battle for God, so stay strong and TRUST GOD.

Jesus Christ is always there. Especially when you are battling for His kingdom.  So keep your eyes fully on God, and be filled with His Spirit and strength.  If you ever need prayer, message me and I will pray for you because you are not alone in this world.


forgiven • October 18, 2015

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