
I was going to say that I woke up this morning to the most amazing sunrise coming over the opera a house in Sydney, but I haven’t really even slept since I left three days ago. My time with God has been absolutely amazing. It has been like a three day quiet time and a date with God all in one. I can’t say that I have seen miracles, that everything has run smoothly so far but I can say that I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.

I have been on a plane for almost two days which ran through china to Sydney. When I got there I had no idea where to go so I just jumped on a train and ended up in the harbor where the opera house is. I stayed up during the night taking pictures, talking to the locals and teaching people how to use their camera. When the sun rose at 530am the weather was gorgeous. I have to remind myself that it is summer over hear and it reminds me a lot like Hermosa beach in the summer. I found my way over to Manly beach, where I am writing this now. My trip is still just getting started but please keep me in prayer as I seek out Christ for a vision on my life. Thank you and god bless you.

also please check out the pictures that I have been uploading on forgiven photography Facebook


forgiven • January 4, 2013

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  1. Scott January 4, 2013 - 1:15 pm

    Great Post Trav. Glad you made it safe and excited to see the shots you take and hear about your experiences.

  2. Kimberly January 4, 2013 - 7:22 pm

    Travis, it sounds so beautiful :)) I am praying for you and this time…I love how you described it as quiet time and a date with God…so awesome. I’m really looking forward to checking out the pictures!

  3. MOM January 5, 2013 - 12:39 am

    Your pics are definetly a blessing. God has given you such a wonderful gift. Wish I was there! Thanks for sharing keep um coming! 😀

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