
I don’t know about you, but there have been times in my life where I have been interested in a girl and thought “Wow, she is absolutely amazing and I think I could marry this one!”  My mind starts to wander into lala land and I begin to imagine a life with this girl living the American dream in the country with a white picket fence and a bunch of little Travis’s running around.  (Sorry world, your in trouble if this ever happened.  One of me is more than enough!)

But I have gotten so infatuated by this idea of marriage and a life together, that it took my emotions on a crazy roller coaster ride into the unknown and the what if’s.  So when I would talk with her, I wouldn’t see any red flags, I would only see what I wanted to see, so that I could make this infatuation more than just a dream.  If she would ask me a question, immediately it would be “Oh she LOVES me!”  Or if she would even talk to me, then I would take that as a sign and she would take over my thoughts throughout my day.

The bummer about this situation is that even though I was extremely into this girl, it really couldn’t go any further than the distance she wanted to go.  And because she had no interest in me whatsoever and never would, her level of interest was only at the point friendship.  Randy Remington nailed it when he said “Relationships exist at the lowest level of willingness.”

This is why some people can come off as stalker-ish.  When one person isn’t interested in the person who is, there is a disconnect.  That disconnect causes guards to be put up and words to be said that will try to push back the interested party.  The person who is interested  just doesn’t see it, because they are blinded by emotions and wants to only see what they desire.  They are all in and willing to do whatever it takes to make it happen, but it isn’t reciprocated.  The person not interested on the other hand,  isn’t willing to go past a friendship level.  Therefore,  the relationship will not go any further than the lowest level of the non interested parties’ willingness.

With God, He is all in!  He is the willing party and loves us more than life itself.  He is sitting there waiting for us to be willing to love him back.  Our relationship with God can only go as far as we are willing to go.  He has already given everything, but the question is are we willing to do the same?

When we fully fall in love with Jesus and He becomes our everything, the relationship becomes fully maximized and inseparable.  We just have to be willing to fully give our heart to Jesus.

dreamemotionforgivengodhopeiamforvgivenjesuslovestockerstockerishtravis silvawillingness

forgiven • April 14, 2014

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  1. Joanie Janzen April 15, 2014 - 1:44 am

    Travis, after reading the whole story it all made sense to me! Asha, after 45 years of marriage including dating, I have found it takes 2 sides to make any relationship work. I think Travis was comparing a male/female relationship to us and Jesus relationship.
    We have to Want this relationship with Him to make it work. I love you both and Asha I really appreciate your input. Joanie

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