
I just got dropped off at the beach and really wanted to go and take some pictures. But the landscapes scenery wasn’t the best conditions for photos, so I just sat there and enjoyed God’s creation. Even enjoyed a little entertainment from the tourist walking around on the rocks. As I was just standing there, I heard a thump. Confused on what happened I looked down and there was a lady that slipped on the rocks, got up and pretended like nothing ever happened, even though her white pants where now green. So I just giggled to myself thinking, I know exactly how she feels. Last time I was out in Australia I was taking pictures, walking out on the rocks and my feet just slipped from underneath me and I grabbed my camera in the air and held on to it dearly as I landed straight on my back. I was extremely embarrassed because I looked over and there were two people laughing at me, I tried to play it off and go on my way taking more pictures. So I totally understand you lady that slipped on the rocks!

As I was still standing there about 5 minutes later, there was this chubby little kid that was walking by and THUMP!, Another one bites the dust. But the kids reaction was a little different. She started to cry, but it was still funny so I giggled under my breath. About 5 minutes later another person walks by and slips! I should of had my camera out capturing all the falls, because it could have been a Youtube hit! Finally there was another family, that walked by and as they were trying to slowly walk across the rocks I gave them a warning on how slippery it was. The family thanked me and continued on their way.

About 10 minutes later I walked down the beach and noticed that the mom was taking pictures with her iphone. So I thought, hey I have a camera, it’s mothers day, why not bless her with some family pictures. So I asked the lady, would you like me to take a few pictures of you and your family. She looked at me and said sure, and then tried handing me her iphone. I kindly replied,  what about me blessing you with some professional pictures of you and your family. She looked at me extremely hesitant as if I wanted something from her. I said “it’s mothers day, your whole family is here, wouldn’t it be a great opportunity to have some family shots.” She said “how much would it be?” I just giggled and said “I don’t want to charge you for the pictures but I want to bless you for Mother’s day.” Confused that somebody would offer something for free,  she hesitated and then gathered the family to take pictures.  “Smile”  🙂  So I told them, “Thanks for letting me bless you in the name of Jesus Christ”, and we went separate ways.

It just blows my mind how uncommon acts of kindness are! It pretty much is non existent these days and comes with ulterior motives. We live in a culture were it is consumer based and because it’s all about “me” there is no room for others. Christians, if you want to impact this world for Christ, do what we are all called to do and be a blessing! There are so many ways that we can use what we have been given to bless others. Talk about an easy way to talk about the Gospel. All it takes is denying yourself to put somebody else first, and then you will start to see God open doors. Jesus healed people in the physical and then the spiritual. When we help people in the physical the door of the spirit opens wide. We just have to be willing.

Challenge : Think of somebody right now that you can bless, and then do it! It’s that simple!

No GO change this world for Christ!

forgiven • May 13, 2014

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  1. Cam May 14, 2014 - 10:42 am

    Great challenge – thanks for sharing!

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