
It all starts with a thought. Something pops into our head and at that point you have two options. One, you can entertain that thought and allow it to grow into something more than what initially entered our mind. Or two, we can dismiss that thought with another thought.

Our brains are constantly active and throughout the day those ideas come and go, or we keep them around and give temptation to action. Every action starts with a thought. When we take a thought and entertain it to a point of action we begin to push the limits of how far we go in situations. When those thoughts are bad, over time we sear our conscience and what begins with a simple thought will eventually evolve into allowing your actions to be compromised.

The further you go, the harder it is to go back because when you taint your thoughts with impure things it opens up a door to the fantasy world. The deeper you dive in with your thoughts, the deeper you will be tempted to act on them. When we think of people that have done some really disgusting things such as rape, murder, adultery, etc, they have all started with entertaining those thoughts.

I don’t know if any of those people who got to that point said when they were a kid, that they were going to be a rapist, or murderer, or an adulterer. I am sure that over time they compromised their thoughts which seared their conscience and chose to go down that path. We are all susceptible to sin, the question is are we willing to stop it at the thought level, our will we continue to entertain the things that will destroy us.

That is why the bible calls us to amputate and cut out those things that will make you stumble. It all starts small and the more you feed those thoughts and desires, the more you will be tempted to fall into those sins.

We must cut it off early enough in the mind, so that we don’t go down the path that many others that have chosen to be so infatuated by their fantasies that they were willing to go the distance to make it happen. Only later finding that those decisions only came with regret.

So I ask the question ; what do we feed your mind with? What music, movies, books, etc are we filling your heads with? This all has an impact on the way we live our life because the media we watch fills our brains with thoughts, and thoughts can turn into actions.

So how do we purify our minds and go back to living a godly life? Starve those bad thoughts, turn away from them and turn to thoughts that will cause you to seek after Christ. For starters, read your bible. That will radically transform your life!

“Do not be conformed to the patterns of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, then you will be able to test and approve the will of God.” Romans 12:1

In every thought you have a choice to either entertain it or dismiss it. Remember that!


forgiven • July 1, 2014

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