
Why is it that when we are going through something in our life we are always quick to turn to people for wise counsel? But when it comes to who we date and marry, we tend to throw that wise counsel out the door and make decisions on our own.

The emotional side of “Being in Love”, can really blind us to red flags and things that we don’t want to see. I don’t know about you, but when I am interested in somebody, all of the good things rise and overpower anything that might be a red flag in a relationship. The problem with that, is that the honeymoon period will eventually dissipate and reality will set in. Your blinders will fade and you will start to see things in a person you never saw before.

Emotions are extremely powerful and when you put those together with your desires, pride can cause you to shun any advice and make decisions that are based on a false reality of what you want to see, instead of the reality of who that person really is. Those butterflies that fly around in your stomach when you are staring that person in the eyes will fade and what will be left standing? The real character of that person.

Again, why are we so willing to seek advice in times of trouble or decisions but when it comes to making the 2nd biggest decision in our lives? How come we avoid talking with people that we trust about our relationships? Godly advice can either help guide us in the right direction to move forward towards Christ in the relationship, or can help steer us away from something that might not be from God.

Marriage is a life long commitment and seeking wisdom should be a priority because others can be our eyes outside of the emotional blinders that we put on. Sometimes we tend to make that person we are interested into our god, and we begin to worship them. The more we spend time with the one we like and isolate ourselves from the friends and family that have input into our lives, the more we push away from any advice they may give and decide to make bad decisions.

God puts people that we trust in our lives for a reason. I want to encourage you to stay connected and listen to the godly advice that is given because it could save you from a lifetime of heartache and regret. So seek advice in all things and stay connected.


forgiven • July 9, 2014

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