
Over the years, I have found that being in the church for any period that your speech and choice of words begin to change.  Your vocabulary becomes filled with biblical words, phrases you hear people say, and other symbolic talks.  This language is called Christianese, and it can be quite a useful language, especially in the church.  Knowing this language can take years to become fluent,  but it can prevent you from feeling left out when everybody is using it in daily conversations.  It is so much easier because then you don’t need to bring a translator to church.  So like any culture, you either adapt and learn to speak it or you sit there clueless about what is going on.

I will say, there are some amazing people out there that have Christianese down.  They know every OMNI, ALPHA, OMEGA, and any other word made up to support this language.  They are amazing and some of my heroes in Christian Linguistics.  I want to sound just like them in how I talk because it sounds so smart!!!  They seem like they know their stuff!!!

On the other hand, the more I am around church people who talk like this, the more I realize that their focus isn’t always to follow in the ways of Jesus, but just to sound how they are.  When it comes to actually living out their life for Jesus and doing hard things, they would rather use another language that they are more fluent in; “excuses”.  Everything looks wondrous on the outside, but the inside is dirty, and they are not willing to live up to the sacrifice required when you walk with Christ.

I have found myself in that position many times and have had to question my love of God and see if I am in the faith.  But that is the challenge today, I hope we can all take a look at our lives and see if our words are the same of our actions?  Just imagine, if everybody who said they were a Christians lived out their faith, this would be a different world. It would be fill of love, joy, peace, righteousness, hope and every other good thing that God represents.  All the selfishness, hate and wrong things in this world would become less, and this world would become such a better place!

I hope that you will read this and see if you are in the faith and love Jesus with all your heart.  The worse thing that could ever happen would be to die, stand before God on judgement day and hear the words, “I never knew you.”  How horrible it would be if you were faking it the whole time and had to spend eternity in Hell.  It’s never too late to turn to Jesus, His grace and mercy is always there if you accept it.  🙂

It is easy to talk like a Christian, but the question is: are you willing to follow after Jesus, no matter the cost?

Let’s change this world for Christ!


forgiven • March 5, 2015

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