
Starting to adapt back into the Kiwi lifestyle and had this huge craving for ice cream.  Nothing new right?  So thought I would go to Maccas to get a Mcflurry.  “Oh, the new Cadbury egg Mcflurry please!  Looks delicious!”  So rolled up to the window and paid for my ice cream and super excited about it, but then on the speaker I heard somebody ordering their meal.  Do I still have those tracts?  I thought to myself.  I reached into my glove compartment and YES they were still there.  I can see nobody used them while I was gone, but that wasn’t going to stop me from blessing this person behind me!

Natasha, the Maccas girl, looked at me as I waited there awkwardly for the person behind me to finish ordering their meal.  She gave me the thumbs up as if to move to the next window, but I waited until they were done.  “Natasha, can I ask you a question?”  She said “How can I help you?”  I proceeded with “A long time ago there was this guy who paid everything for me and I want to just pay it back, can I pay for that person behind me?”  She was so confused she didn’t really know what to say, ” You want to pay for the person behind you?? Really?”

“Of course I do, is that ok? ”  She looked at me as if it were a joke or something, like nobody has ever done something that nice before and said “Sure if you want to pay for them, that is fine.”

So I asked, “How much did it come to?
“13 dollars”,  she said and then hesitated.
“Perfect”  I replied with a huge smile on my face.

She stuck the credit card machine out the window again and I paid for the meal.  As I looked up again, she really didn’t get what was going on or why I was doing this so I handed her two gospel tracts.  “That man that paid for me years ago was Jesus Christ and He gave up his life to give me life.  I am a Christian and I believe in blessing people in the name of Jesus Christ, If you can do me a favor, and give one of these to the car behind me and take one for yourself.”

Again, she smiled with total confusion on why anybody would do that.  So I asked her if she could just tell the person behind me God Bless you.  She said she would, so I proceeded to the next window to get my Cadbury egg Mcflurry!  I waived to the car behind me and drove off.

It is amazing what going out of your way to bless somebody in the name of Jesus will do.  I am sure that the person behind me was blessed and I pray that tract speaks to their heart, but Natasha will forever remember that gesture and the name of Jesus.  She will remember that crazy white boy with a big beard representing Christ in love and her understanding of the gospel will be forever changed!

I want to encourage you to do the same.  Change the way people see Jesus by blessing them in abundance and then tell them why you do it.  For me it is because Christ gave His everything for me, so what a blessing to follow in His ways.  It is better to give than to receive, so give everything and see what God use it for His glory!

All it takes is a little sacrifice and the boldness to speak life into peoples lives 🙂  #LIVE.LOVE.LOUD


forgiven • March 5, 2016

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