
Last night as I was praying God revealed something else to me that started to make sense to me even more so, it was about repentance.  What is this repentance?  Why should we repent?

Repentance is realizing how bad your imperfections and sins are,  despising them so much that you never want to do them again, and then turning to Jesus for his Mercy and Grace.

Part of me believes that repentance isn’t only about becoming right with God, but it is also freeing, because you have to let go and realize that you can’t do it on your own.  When you recognize your sins and repent with full surrender, that burden is taken off your shoulders and the Devil has nothing to hang over your head.  You have been set free from that because there to be no condemnation in Christ.

It is always hard to confess because pride gets in the way, but when you do, there is something that God does in us to allow us to fully be free from the bondage of this world.  We are free to live the life that God intended for us.  The world tells us that repentance is a sign of weakness but this is contrary to what repentance really is; it’s resting in God’s strength.  When we confess our imperfections, we are made perfect through Christ.  WHAT A DEAL!  We get to trade in our bad for good.

So without true repentance, you are just fooling yourself.  We all need a Savior, the question is do you see your need?  Turn to Jesus and find Life.

repentance freedom

forgiven • March 22, 2013

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