
I sit here and contemplate a question that continues to come to the forefront on my mind, but quickly becomes blinded by the reality of the materialistic world that I live in.

“Am I a willing to give up EVERYTHING to follow Jesus Christ?”

This is an extremely hard question for us if we dig deep because on the surface that’s easy to answer “Yes”.  But if God called you to give up your easy living, your car, health insurance, and all the other daily things that you take for granite would you be willing to give up EVERYTHING and follow Christ?  Can you imagine a life without materialism, where your only focus is to Trust God?

I have been blessed with the opportunity to see a few extremely poor countries and lived amongst the people for a short time and the biggest lesson that I have learned is that everything that I have here in America; my house, my car, my camera, etc are meaningless and can be taken away from me at any time.  But the thing that nobody can take away is my love for Christ.  I have seen people with absolutely nothing… have more joy than anybody I know with everything!

I am not saying God is calling you to give everything up.. Although He might, but don’t make materialism your God.  There are a lot of things that can get in the way of your relationship with Christ if you allow them.   We have to open our eyes and be real with ourselves so God can reveal the things that we hold on to.  There is sooooo much more to life then tangible things that will one day disappear.


1) Look at your life and see what is in the way of your relationship with God.

2) What is holding you back from Giving up EVERYTHING and Following Christ?


forgiven • May 22, 2012

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