
Obstacles,  we all have them…  Some are so small that we don’t even notice them throughout the day.   But then there are the ones that are big and we just feel like there is no way we will ever be able to get through them.  Some of us experience so many constant obstacles that start to question “WHY ME?” and “How come this life is so hard?”; leaving us hopeless and nowhere to turn.  It really can be a Hard Knock Life!

We are all guaranteed obstacles in life and nobody will walk through this life with ease.  The only way that we will begin to understand the “why” of Obstacles is by understanding God’s bigger picture.  When we have tunnel vision we can only see our circumstances, struggles, pains, and fears.  But God see’s something deeper.  He sees human kind developing character and faith through the obstacles that He allows us to go through.  Every time we encounter an obstacle, that gives us an opportunity to do one of two things.  Either we try to stand on our own two feet to get through whatever the trial is, or we turn to God and trust Him through the situation.

When we turn to God, he smiles and says “I love you too” and gives us the strength to face anything.  That circumstance becomes less of a burden and becomes more joyful because we start to see the bigger picture.  Our eyes are open to God at work in us, through that obstacle.  It usually is after looking back that we see what God was doing.  But when we are in the midst of it it requires trust and faith.

So if you are in the middle of something right now, don’t get caught up in the obstacle but look to Jesus and trust Him.  Don’t let anything get in the way of you and the cornerstone of life.


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forgiven • April 2, 2014

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  1. Meyli April 2, 2014 - 2:14 am

    Every obstacles hv a good reason. Thats like when u go up on stairs, u will need to pulled your limbs, uncomfortable but thats good, u can step up to high level n healthy of course 🙂
    1 Corinthians 13:11-12.
    We will see God’s picture inside us when we want to know He more n growth in His spirit. He can make our characters to be like Him 🙂

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