
All of us have at one point in our lives have wanted to fake our death, go to our own funeral and see who would show up to hear what they would say about us. Would they be good experiences that we shared with others? Or more on the negative side?

We all get that desire to wonder if people do love and care about us. Would people miss me if I was gone, does my life really make a difference or is this life just pointless? Do people care about all that I am doing or do they just take it for granite? These are all natural thoughts that burden us at times in our life but the thing that really gets me is why do we always wait till somebody is dead before we say good things about them? Why is that? It’s like we aren’t allowed to see the positive in people until they die and then we have to leave everybody with a good impression of that person.

I want to suggest that since we never know when people are going to meet their maker let’s encourage each other with those words we would say at each others funeral so we would never have to wonder what it would be like when we die.

Just think of it this way, if that person you talk to today died would you regret not telling them those words of encouragement?   So let’s not live a life of should have and let’s live a life of doing. We can change peoples lives by seeing them as being created in the image of God and speaking some kind words to encourage them and lift them up in Christ’s name.

Now GO and change somebodies life by telling them all the good things you would say at this funeral.  You never know if it is your last opportunity 😉

forgiven • January 18, 2013

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