
There is something about sharing the love of Christ to people that brings an amazing joy to my life.  Maybe its just my strong desire to see people experience how much blessings come out of following Christ.  Or maybe, It’s understanding the grace and mercy that God has had on my life that causes me to love people.  What ever it is, this trip has been an eye opener and I have had an amazing experience watching God open some crazy doors out here.

The first part of the trip really was about seeking out Christ and sitting with him while getting into his word.  Through this God has really opened my eyes to my questions about life and what the next step is for me will be.  Although I haven’t gotten direct answers, I feel comfortable knowing that He has been tugging on my heart to serve in certain areas.

The second part has been a lot about loving people and seeing opportunities to share the gospel.  It seems like every person that I have been able to spend time with and create friendships, I have been able to share the good news about Jesus Christ.  I don’t know what will happen, but I do know that a seed has been planted and I pray that they seek out Christ whole-heartedly so they can enjoy a relationship with Jesus.

I have a couple more days in Cairns to enjoy some crazy tropical weather and then fly back to Brisbane for a couple days, and then end my trip in Sydney.  Thank you everybody for your prayers and taking the time to read this.   I love you guys and it’s encouraging to know that I have friends that truly care.



forgiven • January 21, 2013

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  1. mom January 22, 2013 - 12:38 am

    nice! 😀

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