Are You Teachable?A few years ago I was meeting with my mentor and having a conversation about how some of the choices I was making were leading me down a path of destruction.  He started to point things out to me about how they were bad and I shouldn’t be doing them.

My immediate reaction was to get mad and say… “who are you to judge me”, and then tune out everything else that he had to say to me. But instead Christ came into my mind and I started to think about what He did on a Cross to give me life.  An image of the pain that he experienced as his skin was being ripped off by the whips, and then beaten so badly that he was barely recognized after.  The torture that no man should ever experience was taken on willingly out of Love so that we could be reconciled and have a relationship with God.  

His humility and humbleness began to make sense as my mentor was pointing out the areas that I needed to change. So instead of getting mad, I became extremely thankful that He was willing to point these things out so that I could be more like Christ and reap the benefits of the blessings that come in fellowship with God.  I took in what he said and knew that he was right, so I humbled myself and thanked him for being willing to help me in this venture to seek out Christ.

Later, he said to me that I am extremely teachable and a blessing to work with.  Wow Praise God on His work in me!  This has always stuck with me in times of rebuke and encourages me to humble myself to hear how I can become more like Christ.

So I ask you.. Do you have a teachable spirit?  Or does pride get in the way of your growth with Christ?  Like Christ we must humble ourselves and be willing to follow in the ways of our Heavenly Mentor.


forgiven • December 18, 2012

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