Over the next couple weeks I have a lot of pretty amazing things going on in my life.  First I get to go back and spend time with my family and the little munchkins.  Then I come back to learn more about coaching soccer through an amazing clinic.  After, I head back to LA to bring in the new year with my amazing friends.  The next day I jump on a plane to go to Australia to sit with God and pray about the next stage of my life.

I am not going to lie, I am super excited about getting away from everything that I know and sitting with God in a beautiful country.  The countdown begins and I am ready to be there now!  But through this I am learning a lot about how I live my life.  So many times I am always waiting for that next big thing to happen so I can be happy.  But the problem is that I am missing out on living life, which only happens in the “NOW”.  When we focus on the “tomorrow” we forget about the “today” and as the bible tells us, we are not guaranteed another breath of life.  We can die at anytime, so what good is tomorrow if we never see it.

Our perspective on life should be different of that of a non believer because we realize that it is a gift from God that should be cherished.  When we see everyday as an opportunity to spend time with Christ, that should bring excitement into our lives making today the day that we look forward to. If you are not excited about spending time with Christ, then you might need examine your life and see if you are in the faith.

This doesn’t change my excitement about Australia, but it does allow me to live my life to the fullest for the next 14 days instead of just bypassing them, missing out on the joys of today. Now I ask you…

Do you live everyday to the fullest?  Or are you waiting for the next big thing?


forgiven • December 19, 2012

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  1. Chris Tregarthen December 19, 2012 - 4:44 pm

    I want to live every amazing day to the fullest. Every day I wake up, I know it is a gift that should be received with thankfulness. I love to proclaim the truth that “every day walking with Jesus is going to be a great Day!” and that, Tomorrow may bring new adventures, however right “NOW” is the best time to thank the Lord for his Love.

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