If somebody asked you ” Who are you?“, what would say?

STOP – Think about that before reading ahead

Who are you?  What adjectives would you use to describe who you are?
Would you say you are an athlete, a student, a wife or husband, an employee, business owner, coach, a teacher or any other type of vocational occupation?  Or would you describe yourself according to the things that you own such as being rich or having certain materials like a nice car?  Would you begin to describe your personality or what you have done in life?  I find that we get wrapped up in describing ourselves according to adjectives of THINGS that drive our lives.  The thing that we think about the most  is that which will flow out of us naturally to the world revealing our identity.

So let me ask this question again in a different way.  Who’s Are you?

Our identity sometimes can be wrapped up in those things that we are a slave to, or find our self doing most of the time; they are things that can own us.  Ok so what do I mean by being owned or a slave to something?  When you think about something all the time, it owns you.   When you spend most of your time doing something, you can be a slave to it.   If it becomes your everything or how you relate to life it can be really dangerous because when something challenges your identity or it is taken away, your life  could be left devastated with total confusion not knowing who you really are.

So Who’s are you?

Are you owned or a slave to things of this world?  When people look at you what do they see?  A teacher? A rich man?  A nice guy?  These can be good things but at the same time, if you call yourself a Christian that is not who you are.  That is not Who’s you are either.  You are made in the image of God who sent Jesus Christ to die on a cross so that you no longer belong to things of this world but are a new creation.  Your identity is Christ, the solid rock in which we stand.  There is nothing in this world that should ever shake that, so stand firm in Christ and be known for being a follower of Jesus.

All the other worldly descriptions are not who you are but what you do and those should shine with what drives you; Jesus Christ.


forgiven • March 16, 2013

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