
There seems to be this theme of prayer lately throughout my everyday experience.  I went to a conference and the pastor said something that just blew my mind.  He said that on average Pastors pray no more than 15 minutes a day.  15 minutes a day?  That seems unreal to think that the leaders of the church are not spending time with God to seek out His direction for the church.  But then I began to look at my life and noticed I really don’t allocate time to pray either.  I am just as guilty of this as anybody else that isn’t spending time in prayer.  So yesterday I woke up,  set aside all my distractions, got on my knees and just cried out to the Lord about anything and everything.  It was amazing how much stuff came out of my mouth and I couldn’t believe how many people I got to pray for.

Towards the end something hit me…  And it hit me hard!  The Lord revealed something to me that I had never thought of before.

Without PRAYER we are just living a “Religious” life.

This is me! This is me!  I couldn’t stop saying… This is me!   A religious person who has neglected the most important part of Christianity.  The Relationship that we get to have with Jesus Christ.  I have been missing out on the blessing of hearing from the Lord through his word and prayer.  I know I am not alone so how can we miss this?  Many of us have become professional Christians, doing the “right thing”,  going to church, and even telling people about Jesus.  This is all good and dandy but we are missing the main point.  Without Prayer we are just living a “Religious” life, which is no different then the Pharisees.  We have this amazing opportunity through Christ to be able to speak to God because Jesus bridged the gap through his death and resurrection.

So as I walk this journey to grow closer to Christ through intentional prayer, I pray that you would join me in the blessings of being able to spend time with God daily.  There is so much power in prayer so let’s rise up, set time aside to pray and enjoy His presence.  We should never be too busy to pray.


forgiven • March 14, 2013

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