
I just got home from preaching a sermon out of James 1 tonight to the High School group at church.  I am just in awe of how amazing this opportunity was, to be able to really speak into these kids lives and watch them from the pulpit, get it.  To see that light bulb turn on and watch them be convicted by the Holy Spirit to a life of change.

There is something about preaching the Truth of God that changes us.  That causes us to see ourselves for who we truly are, get on our knees and surrender our everything because we are so unworthy of God’s love in our lives.  His grace is a marvel and while we were still sinners He laid his life down to take upon our sins so that we can truly live.

I have learned over the years that we don’t have to water down the message no matter what age we preach to.  The truth of the matter is that it is God’s Word, and the Holy Spirit is the one who pushes us into a relationship with Christ.

So let’s not take the word of God lightly, but we should study it and allow it to change us so that we can teach others about how Jesus transforms our lives.  We can all be passionate about telling people the good news of Jesus Christ!


forgiven • June 5, 2013

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