Wealth is WorthlessI know in my life I find myself chasing after things that really hold no eternal value.  I am constantly putting myself in situations that are time consuming and pull my attention away from what really matters.

So what am I chasing after?  They are selfish things that the world tells me are important!

Popularity. Fame. Acceptance. Materialism. Looks. Exaltation. Pleasure. Money. Love…. 

But God tells us.. “What will it profit a man to gain the whole world but forfeit his soul?

PAUSE-   READ THAT AGAIN  – These are some heavy words that carry a lot of truth.

Proverbs 11:4

Wealth is worthless in the day of wrath, but righteousness delivers from death.

The simplicity of these scriptures amaze me…  We can’t buy our way into heaven with anything that we have built, created, or saved from this earth.  They hold no value when compared to the one who created them.  When we chase after things of this world we miss the whole point of why Jesus died on the cross for us; we are made righteous through what he did to bring us out of death and into Eternal Life.

So, is our soul more important than things of this world?…. You Bet your Bippy!  Things of this world are temporary, our soul is eternal.

I want to challenge you to look at your life and see what areas you are putting before God, and contemplate if that is more important than your relationship with the one who died on a cross for your sins.  We should not be willing to compromise our faith for the things of this world, but focus on Christ who makes us righteous on the day of Judgement.


forgiven • September 11, 2012

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